IVDK HUB: Business drivers for rebuilding the economy of Ukraine


Date : 2023-10-11

Time : 15:00 - 17:30

Address: The European-Ukrainian Hub, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24, 1402 Kbh K.
Note: Main entrance is via Johan Semps Gade


Participate in this networking event on Wednesday October 11th focusing on Business drivers for rebuilding the economy of Ukraine. Listen to prominent Ukrainian speakers live from Ukraine who will shed light on the current economic situation and highlight potential investment cases and business drivers relevant for Danish businesses. You will also meet two Danish businesses who will share insights and learnings from operating on the Ukrainian market.

You will also get the chance to network and engage with interesting Ukrainian and Danish businesses and entrepreneurs and learn more about The European-Ukrainian Hub.

The event is organised together with SMEdenmark.


  • Dr. Viktor Halasiuk, Ukrainian economist, President of the Ukrainian Association for the Club of Rome & Board member of the Kyiv International Economic Forum 
  • Andriy Zablovsky, Board member of The Swedish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce in Scandinavia & Head of the Secretariat of the Entrepreneurs' Council at the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine
  • Jesper Wieder, Founder, Wieder, Inc.
  • Peter Kolos, CEO, Danica Invest. 


(Kl. 14.30 - 15.00: Arrival and networking)

  • 15.00-15:10: Welcome, by representatives from The European-Ukrainian Hub and SMVdanmark
  • 15.10-15:30: Ukraine’s Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, by Dr. Viktor Halasiuk
  • 15:30-15:50: Break and networking
  • 15:50- 16:20: Business enablers for Ukraine’s rebuilding strategy: economy and technology dimension, by Andriy Zablovsky
  • 16:20 - 16:50: What is to be expected and how to structure your future business in Ukraine, by Jesper Wieder and Peter Kolos. 
  • 16:50 - 17.30: Networking and snacks 
  • 17:30: Event concludes
The European-Ukrainian Hub
E-mail: hub@dkiv.dk
Phone: +45 52 80 86 57
Islands Brygge 39, 4. sal
2300 København S
Opening hours
Mon-Fri 09.00-17.00