UAccelerate: How to Start and Register Business in Denmark


Дата : 2023-11-09

час : 17:00 - 19:30

Адреса: Online + The European-Ukrainian Hub, Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24, 1402 Kbh K.
Note: Main entrance is via Johan Semps Gade



You have already tested your idea, found people who are willing to buy your service or product, and now you are ready to enter the market.

The time has come to register your business and delve into the more administrative side of running a business. During the workshop, you will have the opportunity to register your company

Speaker: Narcis George Matache

CEO of the Aalborg Institute for Development and Executive Editor of “Last Week in Denmark”; Trainer with more than a decade of experience within the fields of public speaking, leadership, civil society, politics, and business. 

The European-Ukrainian Hub
Телефон: +45 52 80 86 57
Nicolai Eigtveds Gade 24
1402 København K
Робочі години
Пн-Пт 10:00-15:00